Rounded Coners With Glide
We start use Glide library, which is a fast and efficient open source media management and image loading framework for Android that wraps media decoding, memory and disk caching, and resource pooling into a simple and easy to use interface.
Now we will learn how to rounded corners with this library.
The first step if we use this library it is that we should to add in our dependencies:
compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0'
Now we will learn how to rounded corners with this library.
The first step.
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import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.Resource; import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.BitmapPool; import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapResource; /** * Created by javiergonzalezcabezas on 2/4/16. */ public class RoundedCornersTransformation implements Transformation<Bitmap> { public enum CornerType { ALL, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT, OTHER_TOP_LEFT, OTHER_TOP_RIGHT, OTHER_BOTTOM_LEFT, OTHER_BOTTOM_RIGHT, DIAGONAL_FROM_TOP_LEFT, DIAGONAL_FROM_TOP_RIGHT } private BitmapPool mBitmapPool; private int mRadius; private int mDiameter; private int mMargin; private CornerType mCornerType; public RoundedCornersTransformation(Context context, int radius, int margin) { this (context, radius, margin, CornerType.ALL); } public RoundedCornersTransformation(BitmapPool pool, int radius, int margin) { this (pool, radius, margin, CornerType.ALL); } public RoundedCornersTransformation(Context context, int radius, int margin, CornerType cornerType) { this (Glide.get(context).getBitmapPool(), radius, margin, cornerType); } public RoundedCornersTransformation(BitmapPool pool, int radius, int margin, CornerType cornerType) { mBitmapPool = pool; mRadius = radius; mDiameter = mRadius * 2 ; mMargin = margin; mCornerType = cornerType; } @Override public Resource<Bitmap> transform(Resource<Bitmap> resource, int outWidth, int outHeight) { Bitmap source = resource.get(); int width = source.getWidth(); int height = source.getHeight(); Bitmap bitmap = mBitmapPool.get(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); if (bitmap == null ) { bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); } Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias( true ); paint.setShader( new BitmapShader(source, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP)); drawRoundRect(canvas, paint, width, height); return BitmapResource.obtain(bitmap, mBitmapPool); } private void drawRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float width, float height) { float right = width - mMargin; float bottom = height - mMargin; switch (mCornerType) { case ALL: canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); break ; case TOP_LEFT: drawTopLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case TOP_RIGHT: drawTopRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case BOTTOM_LEFT: drawBottomLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: drawBottomRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case TOP: drawTopRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case BOTTOM: drawBottomRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case LEFT: drawLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case RIGHT: drawRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case OTHER_TOP_LEFT: drawOtherTopLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case OTHER_TOP_RIGHT: drawOtherTopRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case OTHER_BOTTOM_LEFT: drawOtherBottomLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case OTHER_BOTTOM_RIGHT: drawOtherBottomRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case DIAGONAL_FROM_TOP_LEFT: drawDiagonalFromTopLeftRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; case DIAGONAL_FROM_TOP_RIGHT: drawDiagonalFromTopRightRoundRect(canvas, paint, right, bottom); break ; default : canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); break ; } } private void drawTopLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin + mRadius, mMargin + mRadius, bottom), paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawTopRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom), paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(right - mRadius, mMargin + mRadius, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawBottomLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom - mRadius), paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawBottomRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(right - mDiameter, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom), paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(right - mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawTopRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin + mRadius, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawBottomRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom), paint); } private void drawOtherTopLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawOtherTopRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin, right, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawOtherBottomLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin + mRadius, right - mRadius, bottom), paint); } private void drawOtherBottomRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin + mRadius, right, bottom), paint); } private void drawDiagonalFromTopLeftRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, mMargin + mDiameter, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(right - mDiameter, bottom - mDiameter, right, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin + mRadius, right - mDiameter, bottom), paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin + mDiameter, mMargin, right, bottom - mRadius), paint); } private void drawDiagonalFromTopRightRoundRect(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, float right, float bottom) { canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(right - mDiameter, mMargin, right, mMargin + mDiameter), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect( new RectF(mMargin, bottom - mDiameter, mMargin + mDiameter, bottom), mRadius, mRadius, paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin, mMargin, right - mRadius, bottom - mRadius), paint); canvas.drawRect( new RectF(mMargin + mRadius, mMargin + mRadius, right, bottom), paint); } @Override public String getId() { return "RoundedTransformation(radius=" + mRadius + ", margin=" + mMargin + ", diameter=" + mDiameter + ", cornerType=" + + ")" ; } } |
In your layout we create a ImageView, something like that:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> android:layout_width = "match_parent" android:layout_height = "match_parent" android:paddingBottom = "@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" android:paddingLeft = "@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingRight = "@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingTop = "@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" tools:context = "com.thedeveloperworldisyours.roundedconerswithglide.MainActivity" > < ImageView android:id = "@+id/activity_main_image_view" android:layout_width = "wrap_content" android:layout_height = "wrap_content" android:layout_centerInParent = "true" /> </ RelativeLayout > |
Now in your activity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.bumptech.glide.Glide; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { public static int sCorner = 15 ; public static int sMargin = 2 ; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super .onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; Glide.with( this ) .bitmapTransform( new RoundedCornersTransformation( MainActivity. this ,sCorner, sMargin)) .into(imageView); } } |
And your manifest add permission of internet, if you want to get image from internet
1 2 3 4 5 | < manifest xlmns:android...> ... < uses-permission android:name = "android.permission.INTERNET" /> < application ... </manifest> |
You can check my example in github