Best Way To Compare Dates

<h1>Best Way To Compare Dates in Android</h1>

Sometimes we need to do a list with dates, like

today with hour

yesterday with yesterday

other days with 23/06/2017

To make this we need to compare current time with our data.

Example in GitHub

Public class DateUtil {

    Public static int getDateDayOfMonth (Date date) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance ();
        Calendar.setTime (date);
        Return calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    Public static int getCurrentDayOfMonth () {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance ();
        Return calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    Public static String convertMillisSecondsToHourString (long millisSecond) {
        Date date = new Date (millisSecond);
        Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("HH: mm");
        Return formatter.format (date);

    Public static String convertMillisSecondsToDateString (long millisSecond) {
        Date date = new Date (millisSecond);
        Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("dd / MM / yyyy");
        Return formatter.format (date);

    Public static long convertToMillisSecond (Date date) {
        Return date.getTime ();

    Public static String compare (String stringData, String yesterday) {

        String result = "";

        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss");
        Date date = null;

        Try {
            Date = simpleDateFormat.parse (stringData);
        } Catch (ParseException e) {
            E.printStackTrace ();

        Long millisSecond = convertToMillisSecond (date);
        Long currencyMillisSecond = System.currentTimeMillis ();

        If (currencyMillisSecond> millisSecond) {
            Long diff = currencyMillisSecond - millisSecond;
            Long day = 86400000L;

            If (diff <day && getCurrentDayOfMonth () == getDateDayOfMonth (date)) {
                Result = convertMillisSecondsToHourString (millisSecond);

            } Else if (diff <(day * 2) && getCurrentDayOfMonth () -1 == getDateDayOfMonth (date)) {
                Result = yesterday;
            } Else {
                Result = convertMillisSecondsToDateString (millisSecond);

        Return result;